Implementing and Sustaining the CLS

Access to the Implementing and Sustaining Suite is provided to those registering for the CLARITY Learning Suite and the full Essentials Suite at no additional cost.

Our intention with the Implementing and Sustaining the CLS resource is to provide you and your team with best practices we have learned from other users, advice and ideas that will enable you to optimize CLS in your system or school. Adopting CLS, embedding the learning within your practice, and sustaining the learning from the 14 Parameter Framework for System and School Improvement can all be made easier and more impactful by listening to the experience of others like you who engaged with CLARITY Learning Suite.

To offer more personal advice on how they succeeded and what they learned in implementing and sustaining CLS in their context, we have included video commentary from ‘Knowledgeable Others’ from many education settings. In every case, these researchers and practitioners have adopted the CLS content as their ‘Forever Work’ and are making it work, continuously.

The Suite Content


This section of the guide focuses on leading practices to set the conditions for whole school adoption of CLS to improve learning growth and achievement for ALL learners at a school/system/network level.


This section of the guide focuses on leading practices to ensure the successful implementation of a whole school adoption of CLS to improve learning growth and achievement for ALL learners at a school/system/network level.

Session 1 - Scaffolding

Session 2 - The Why, the What and the How of Implementing CLS


What Leaders need to consider, lead, and action with CLS participants to sustain long term implementation.

Listen to Dr Lyn Sharratt introducing Implementing and Sustaining the CLS